Saturday, May 29, 2010

Elite Puffles

Hey guys, Tim here, I just wanted to share a cool litte thing I found today walking around CP well as you notice if you are an EPF agent you now have a new phone, and if you have the New DS game:Herberts revenge or the first one you had Elite puffles for those of you who don't know what elite puffles are you simple blew a wistle and picked what color puffle you wanted, each one had speacil powers such as the red shot out of a cannon, the blue threw snowballs, and the Black torched fire, but look at your new EPF phone

If you have the New game you can enter a secret code and click that whistle and get an elite puffle! and it also looks like you can enter another code and get a sweet new suit like this guy i saw on earlier!

As you can see this Elite puffle is the black one, when you dance, he breaths a ring of fire and jumps through it! Pretty cool right? Well Would you want a Elite puffle? Leave a comment below telling us if you want one or not!

~Tim~ =)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Has Herbert gone to far?

Hey guys! Its Tim! and if you finished the new mission you will notice Herbert put a machine in the HQ which would explode with popcorn... and as you can see... It made things alot worse for the HQ... take a look...

Oh no... this isn't looking good for the HQ and that sign in the HQ says:
1) eat all the popcorn
2) Get herbert
but 3 says Find a new HQ.. could this be the end of Secret Agents once and for all? has Herbert acully won???

Sunday, May 16, 2010

New Postcards

Hey guys! Club Penguin released some new postcards, some of there are pretty spiffy!

What one do u like the best?

~Tim and Slider~

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Well me and Slider will try to post all the newest hints, tips, cheats, and secrets that we can for club penguin, but this sitw will be different.. becuase its SPIFFY! =D Well i hope to be seeing you around!!
