Saturday, May 29, 2010

Elite Puffles

Hey guys, Tim here, I just wanted to share a cool litte thing I found today walking around CP well as you notice if you are an EPF agent you now have a new phone, and if you have the New DS game:Herberts revenge or the first one you had Elite puffles for those of you who don't know what elite puffles are you simple blew a wistle and picked what color puffle you wanted, each one had speacil powers such as the red shot out of a cannon, the blue threw snowballs, and the Black torched fire, but look at your new EPF phone

If you have the New game you can enter a secret code and click that whistle and get an elite puffle! and it also looks like you can enter another code and get a sweet new suit like this guy i saw on earlier!

As you can see this Elite puffle is the black one, when you dance, he breaths a ring of fire and jumps through it! Pretty cool right? Well Would you want a Elite puffle? Leave a comment below telling us if you want one or not!

~Tim~ =)


  1. Herberts revenge is the best ds game ever- owl

  2. Haha, awesome, i want it too!



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~Tim and Slider Team~