Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Staying Spiffy!?

Hellooo there!!!! TiM here! Staying Spiffy!? Hope you are! Also make sure to come on the spiffy chat ( from the 25th to 27th for Slider's HUGE, SPIFFY, AWESOME, Party! its going to be a fun time, with games, contest, and you can even win prizes! Its going to be awesome! So you better not miss it! So I hope your staying spiffy!

~Tim and Slider

Here is the Spiffy Olympics Video:

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Saying goodbye to a freind.

One day i was riding home in the car and got a text from a freind. The text said that one of my freinds would soon quit. I have had so many great times with this freind, and he made the times i spent on chat so funny and great. We soon made so many fun memories and soon became what we know as Best Freinds Forever and Ever Infinity Plus 1's. This person was probably one of the nicest people i have ever met in my life. and it will be hard to say good-bye on his quitting day... I thought that we were almost brothers we got so close. For some reason i met him one day and the nest we suddenly became best freinds.This boy is the one we know as Slider94. My best friend on chat. He will be missed by all of us here on chat. Especailly me.. I'll always remeber those 3D glasses and graduation cap and of course the Snoopy icon. I'll always remember everytime i would log on chat you shouting "TIMMAY!" Some of these things just never get old. and we be remembered for as long as they can. These little things we did meant alot.. and for those of you reading this post who never knew who he was. he was three words... a great friend. And like i said for some of you who think him quitting is a "Little thing" this again to me is a big thing.We all hope he has a great life out in the real world and doesn't forget about his old computer freinds! I hope we can still stay in touch! Slider your an awesome dude and freind. and you will be missed by all of those who met you (eccept maybe some of our enimies ;)) I just wanted to let you know how sad i am of you quitting and i'll always be there if you need me. So my last words to you would be "Slideyyy don't forget to stay Spiffy!" Spiffy was our word that we made together. and now think. everyone thats seen us wants to have there name with a "Spiffy" infront of it. We made this website. and everything on it. And it should be shared with everyone. Slider your an awesome freind. And thanks for being one to me.

Best Freinds Forever


P.S.and if you guys want to say something to slider please post a comment!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Second Feild-Op guide

Hey guys, time for feild-op number two! Lets get down to bussness....
When you log on Club Penguin click your spy phone. It should look like this...

Click the go there button that i have squared in red.
Then go to the feild op screen in the EPF HQ and see this..
Gary says that You need to go fix an antena that is high up. so travel to the ski hill.

one your there look at your spy phone, it should turn green like the one i have in the green boX. Once you click on it you need to play a miny game at
Here are some tips I made to help you play this mini game, it can be challnging at times but here is the basics

Purple Box: Come back here everytime you go to a charger because you lose green fuel each time
Yellow box: Come to all four of these and fill them up it will look like the light blue box below and then turn into the orange box.
Red circles: Stay clear of these they shoot at you and make you lose fuel if you are low on fuel and crash into one of these.. Game Over.

Well thats basically it, tune in next week for a brand new Feild-Op agents!
EPF Agent Tim signing out for now!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Field-Ops guide

Hey guys! thats right! June 15th! If your in the EPF be ready for this! there are new Field ops for agents take a look at your phone!
The red box shows the field ops and the green shows things you can get but completing them! if you click on Field-ops it will take you here...

If you don't know how to do these look at the help on your screen..

For example this week Gary tells you that Herbert has place a bomb in the "Big S" this "Big S" is located in the town..

Click on this Big S, and it gives you a small mini game type thing, match the wires by clickin on the ends, it will show you different shapes such as if u click one and its a circle and click another and its a triangle, remeber where those are and click more, once you match all of them, you have completed your mission! and G lets you get a prize for completing it by going back to Elite gear on your phone.

congradulations! You have now completed the newest Field Op! check back to our site to find out more about Field Ops, and the new upcoming adventure party! Thanks guys! I'll see ya around!


Saturday, June 5, 2010

EPF HQ update

Hey guys, its Tim, the EPF room is building up! check it out:
And also check this out! the screen on the right says this:
Pretty sweet right? It says reposrt for duty June 18th I wonder whats gonna happen? do you think Herbert will find out about the EPF? What do you guys think is going to happen on June 15th? Leave a comment telling us what you think!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Elite Puffles

Hey guys, Tim here, I just wanted to share a cool litte thing I found today walking around CP well as you notice if you are an EPF agent you now have a new phone, and if you have the New DS game:Herberts revenge or the first one you had Elite puffles for those of you who don't know what elite puffles are you simple blew a wistle and picked what color puffle you wanted, each one had speacil powers such as the red shot out of a cannon, the blue threw snowballs, and the Black torched fire, but look at your new EPF phone

If you have the New game you can enter a secret code and click that whistle and get an elite puffle! and it also looks like you can enter another code and get a sweet new suit like this guy i saw on earlier!

As you can see this Elite puffle is the black one, when you dance, he breaths a ring of fire and jumps through it! Pretty cool right? Well Would you want a Elite puffle? Leave a comment below telling us if you want one or not!

~Tim~ =)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Has Herbert gone to far?

Hey guys! Its Tim! and if you finished the new mission you will notice Herbert put a machine in the HQ which would explode with popcorn... and as you can see... It made things alot worse for the HQ... take a look...

Oh no... this isn't looking good for the HQ and that sign in the HQ says:
1) eat all the popcorn
2) Get herbert
but 3 says Find a new HQ.. could this be the end of Secret Agents once and for all? has Herbert acully won???

Sunday, May 16, 2010

New Postcards

Hey guys! Club Penguin released some new postcards, some of there are pretty spiffy!

What one do u like the best?

~Tim and Slider~

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Well me and Slider will try to post all the newest hints, tips, cheats, and secrets that we can for club penguin, but this sitw will be different.. becuase its SPIFFY! =D Well i hope to be seeing you around!!
